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Law Enforcement

Law and regulations enforcement is one of the key aspects of protected area management. It relies on the implementation of specific processes that reduce or eliminate threats to protected area values. Law enforcement requires understanding, learning and applying specific knowledge and techniques. What is law enforcement? What are its implications? How to implement it and what are the traps to avoid? What are its limits and strengths? How does it help improving protected area management? These are just some of the questions that will be addressed in this MOOC.

Start : 2024-07-08 Status : Ongoing

MOOC syllabus

Module 1: Law applying to protected areas

1.2 What is law?
1.3 Law and conservation
1.4 Governance and law
1.5 Rights
1.6 Institutions
1.7 Introduction to regulation
1.8 Area-based regulations
1.9 Species-based regulation
1.10 Activity or threat-based regulation
1.11 Law and governance
1.12 Environmental agreements
1.13 KEY MEAs
1.14 Principles and rights
1.15 Compliance and enforcement

Module 2: Professional ethics, nomrs, values and codes

2.2 Work ethics, what must I do?
2.3 Definitions
2.4 Ethical principles
2.5 Codes
2.6 Ethical dilemma

Module 3: Corruption

3.2 Corruption: what are we talking about?
3.3 Motivations
3.4 Fight against corruption: an organisation's means and responsibilities
3.5 The fight against corruption, at an individual level
3.6 Consequences of corruption

Module 4: Giving orders

4.2 Objectives
4.3 Understanding the problem, analyzing the mission
4.4 Assessing means and possibility for action
4.5 Operational decisions
4.6 Categories and operational orders

Module 5: ENforcing laws in protected areas

5.2 The context of law enforcement inside a protected area
5.3 Actors of surveillance
5.4 Planning surveillance
5.5 Organising patrols
5.6 Material and equipment
5.7 Intelligence
5.8 New technologies

Course team

Four main speakers share their knowledge and experience in this course:

Geoffroy Mauvais (IUCN-Papaco), Lydia Slobodian,IUCN Environmental Law Center, Philippe A. Gitz Commisaire principal (Swiss police senior officer) (ret) and Commander Benoît Koutoua Amon.

Practical information

Follow this course online, on this platform, at your own pace.
Duration: 40 hours of work online and offline (this is an estimate, the reality depends on each student).
Price: free (including the attestation).
